about us

An independent media production house with an innate passion for art and innovation that works relentlessly in the field of Animation, Films and Visual Design.

It was Co-founded in 2014 by multi award winning Producer/filmmaker Shivangi Ranawat and Janmeet Singh . Working with many eminent artists from the industry and have won several awards for their work including Grand HBO Jury award at Indian Film Festival of Los Angeles.

Their narrative skills are both artistic and engaging and a strong music background is a plus in conceptualizing and direction.

What we do

Ekabhuya maintains a diversified portfolio which includes Short Films, Documentary, Music Videos, Digital Animation, Audio Visual Performance and Video Game Art..

With a thirst for high production value honed over time by working for a wide range of products , Team Ekabhuya is equally comfortable behind a camera directing live action as they are hunched over sketchbooks, designing, writing or diving into complex 3d graphics or visual effects .

awards and nominations

With over 30 National and International awards and nominations, the Team is committed to innovation, technical and creative excellence, and most importantly a collaborative and storytelling culture.

We strongly believe in the art of storytelling and its ability to bring words and the world of life regardless of boundaries and borders .

Being One

Ekabhuya is a close knit team of artists, filmmakers and animators who believe in creating works that are timeless, unique and thought provoking.


comes from the Sanskrit word which means

“Being One”.


The team plans, shoots, builds, animates and brings wildest creative visions to life combining relentless creativity with latest technologies.

Ekabhuya is highly adaptable and can work across all stages of a project from conception and storyboarding to production,  art direction, direction, motion graphics and visual effects.